[2021-07-01] Papers accepted by TVCG and HCIS.

[2020-06-20] Serve program co-chair of ChinaVis'20, young associate editor of Frontier of Computer Science, and guest editor of Journal of Visualization.

[2020-04-25] Papers accepted by TVCG and CHI.

[2019-03-08] Host a talk by Prof. Chuang Lin from Tsinghua University. [pdf]

[2019-02-01] Papers accepted by TVCG, TKDE, CHI, and ICDE.

[2018-04-01] Serve program committee member of VIS'18, AAAI'18, PacificVis'18, ASONAM'18 and a Note Co-Chair of PacificVis'18.

[2018-03-01] Multiple papers accepted by TVCG and PacificVis'18.

[2017-03-01] Brain network mining papers accepted to ACM TKDD and OHBM'17.

[2016-12-15] CJE Special Issue on Visual Analytics Call for Paper.

[2016-09-09] Hosting UCAS course on Information Visualization , Fall 2016!

[2016-07-12] BrainNodeTrix paper accepted to IEEE VIS'16 (VAST TVCG track).

[2016-06-20] Co-chairing ACM CIKM’16 workshop on DAta mining meets Visual Analytics at Big Data Era (DAVA’16), to be held on Oct. 28, 2016, Indianapolis, USA.

[2016-04-22] Elected as a Member of CCF TC-CADCG.

[2016-04-21] Co-chairing ACM BCB’16 workshop on Data Mining and Visualization for Brain Science (BrainKDD’16), to be held on Oct. 2, 2016, Seattle, USA.

[2016-02-24] Elected as an IEEE Senior Member.

[2016-01-21] Visit Dr. Paul Thompson's Lab at USC and give a talk.

[2015-12-31] Serve program committee member of KDD’16, IJCAI’16.

[2015-12-20] TOPIC paper accepted to IEEE ICDE’16 (full research paper).

[2015-11-04] Serve program committee member of PacificVis’16, GD’16, ICDM’15 (demo).

[2015-10-28] Student projects presented as VIS’15 poster and ICDM’15 demo.

[2015-10-27] Visiting Prof. Chaoli Wang at University of Notre Dame.

[2015-09-10] New team website online:

[2015-08-27] BrainQuest paper accepted to IEEE ICDM’15 (regular paper).

[2015-07-12] EgoNetCloud paper accepted to IEEE VIS’15 (VAST conference track).

[2015-07-05] VEGAS accepted to IEEE TKDE as a regular paper.

[2015-04-01] Co-chairing ICDM’15 workshop on DAta mining meets Visual Analytics at big data era (DAVA’15), to be held on Nov. 14, 2015, Atlantic City, USA.

[2015-04-01] Serving as assistant to lab directors from Jan. 2015.

[2015-02-01] Invited to be PC members of IJCAI’15, WSDM’15, ICDM’14 (Demo Track).

[2015-02-01] Two journal papers are published online: Dynamic Network Visualization on IEEE TVCG, Large Graph Visualization Survey by Wiley.

[2014-12-31] Student projects on my visualization class are very inspiring, see their demos: Final project |Assignments II&III.

[2014-9-20] Paper on “Influence Graph Visualization” accepted by ICDM 2014.

[2014-9-15] Article on “Network Visual Analytics in Big Data Era” published in CCCF.

[2014-9-1] Hosting UCAS course on Information Visualization, Fall 2014. (Class member 70->110. All the following IV courses will be in fall semester) Course code 712060H, HOMEPAGE.

[2014-2-28] I’m offering a new course on Information Visualization at UCAS, Spring 2014. All CAS students are welcome. Course code 712060H, HOMEPAGE.

[2013-12-12] I’m co-chairing the HotData I workshop at ICCCN 2014 (August 7), Shanghai, China, WEBSITE.

[2013-12-6] We are recruiting intern students to work at SKLCS in summer 2014. Foreign PhD students are highly welcome, POST and FLYER.

[2012~] I’m hiring graduate and intern students at SKLCS regularly, to conduct research in the exciting interdisciplinary area of information visualization, visual analytics, big data and network science, do not hesitate to send me EMAIL!